back when dinosaurs ruled the land there were big long trees and lots of shrubs.the first dinosaur to be formaly named was the Megalosaurus,back in 1824.a parson who discovers dinosaurs is called a paleontologist. rather than being carnavores[meat eaters],the largest dinosaurs such as the Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus were actually herbivores plant eaters.dinosaurs were reptiles that lived on the earth 230 million years ago to about 65 million years ago.Dinosaurs lived during a period of Earths history called the Mesozoic middle life Era. They lived during all three periods of this era the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.Meat-eating dinosaurs are known as theropods, which means beast-footed because they had sharp hooked claws on their toes. In contrast, plant-eating dinosaurs tended to have blunt hooves or toenails.
at the moment were you and I live there has been not very much of leafy trees so I think we should save our native forests next time when you think about cutting down the native trees that are in our forest I think you should stop and think about it.Some of our native animals are endangered or vunerable.So next time when you are going to kill one of our natve species stop and think about all those poor aimals getting hunted down.So please do not harm them or the animals houses the forest where they live.They have a very beautiful home don't they? You can visit there home as long as you be quiet and calm to the animals.
I think in the future there will be big leafy green trees and big bright shoots for the herbivores to munch and crunch on. There will be 1000 more different species of animals for the carnivores to tear apart and chomp and munch on.